Garibaldi Park Whistler A to Z: NunatukThe Pacific yew or western yew is a coniferous tree that grows in Whistler and along the coast from Alaska to California. The Pacific yew’s unique appearance stands out among other more numerous and commonly known trees. The trunk is often contorted in angular directions toward gaps in the forest canopy and the branches are extremely long and sinewy. Branches tend to stretch toward the light and needles tend to only grow near the ends where light is found.

Whistler & Garibaldi Hiking

Easy Hiking Trail WhistlerAlexander Falls  Moderate Hiking Trail Whistler Dog FriendlyAncient Cedars  Moderate Hiking Trail WhistlerBlack Tusk  Pay Use Hiking Trail WhistlerBlackcomb Mountain  Easy Hiking Trail WhistlerBrandywine Falls  Moderate/Hard Hiking Trail Whistler Dog FriendlyBrandywine Meadows  Moderate/Hard Hiking Trail Whistler Dog FriendlyBrew Lake  Easy Hiking Trail WhistlerCallaghan Lake  Moderate Hiking Trail WhistlerCheakamus Lake  Whistler Hiking Trail EasyCheakamus River  Whistler Hiking Trail HardCirque Lake  Whistler Hiking Trail EasyFlank Trail  Moderate Hiking Trail WhistlerGaribaldi Lake  Moderate Hiking Trail WhistlerGaribaldi Park  Moderate Hiking Trail WhistlerHelm Creek  Moderate Hiking Trail Whistler Dog FriendlyJane Lakes  Joffre Lakes Hike in Whistler in SeptemberJoffre Lakes  Moderate Hiking Trail Whistler Dog FriendlyKeyhole Hot Springs  Hiking Trail Hard Dog FriendlyLogger’s Lake  Whistler Hiking Trail EasyMadeley Lake  Moderate/Hard Hiking Trail Whistler Dog FriendlyMeager Hot Springs Easy Hiking Trail WhistlerNairn Falls  Whistler Hiking Trail HardNewt Lake  Moderate Hiking Trail WhistlerPanorama Ridge  Whistler Hiking Trail EasyParkhurst Ghost Town  Hiking Trail Hard Dog FriendlyRainbow Falls  Moderate Hiking Trail WhistlerRainbow Lake  Moderate/Hard Hiking Trail Whistler Dog FriendlyRing Lake  Moderate Hiking Trail WhistlerRusset Lake  Whistler Hiking Trail EasySea to Sky Trail  Easy Hiking Trail WhistlerSkookumchuck Hot Springs  Easy Hiking Trail WhistlerSloquet Hot Springs  Sproatt East  Moderate Hiking Trail WhistlerSproatt West  Moderate Hiking Trail WhistlerTaylor Meadows  Whistler Hiking Trail EasyTrain Wreck  Hiking Trail Hard - Whistler TrailsWedgemount Lake  Pay Use Hiking Trail WhistlerWhistler Mountain

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The Pacific yew a wonderfully exotic, jungle-like quality that contrasts to the uniformly vertical stands of western redcedarsDouglas-firs and western hemlocks that tend to grow nearby. Not only do Pacific yew trees tend to have powerfully elongated snake-like branches, but often have a trunk that appears to be several trees fused together. This feature is called fluting and is not unusual in Pacific yew trees as well as other rainforest trees adapting to unstable forests prone to flooding. The brightly coloured, crimson red bark on Pacific yew trees is yet another characteristic that catches your attention on many of Whistler’s beautiful hiking trails. Depending on time of day or weather will determine which colours you will see on a Pacific yew’s thin, peeling bark. Usually a variation of deep red, but other times you will see brown, purple, or even bright orange, vaguely comparable to arbutus trees! The range of colour is also due to the layer visible. The outer layer will be a duller purple or brown colour, while the inner layer of bark will be a much more vibrant, shiny and fresh looking deep red or purple.  Pacific yew trees have fairly easy to distinguish leaves/needles. Look for the dark green colour and the flat pattern of needles. Other trees in Whistler forests don't have such an organized flat pattern of similar length, dark green needles projecting from both sides of the twig in the same plane. The closest needle pattern you may find in another tree is on the western hemlock, however the flat pattern looks disorganized as the needles are of varying lengths. Also, the twig on the western hemlock is brown, whereas it is green on a Pacific yew.

Sprawling Pacific Yew Tree in Whistler

Yew Tree in Whistler

Amazing Pacific Yew Trees

Pacific yew trees generally have a lifespan of about 200 to 300 years, though some have been known to live over 400 years. Most don’t exceed 20 metres in height, however occasionally they have been known to grow to 30 metres (100 feet). The Pacific yew trees in Whistler almost entirely reside below the canopy of larger trees such as western redcedars, coast Douglas-firs and western hemlocks. Taxine alkaloids in all species of yew trees worldwide cause them to be extremely poisonous. The Pacific yew is the least poisonous variation of yew tree as it contains only minimal amounts of Taxine, though still quite dangerous. Moose and deer seem to be the only animals to be unaffected by Taxine alkaloids as they happily eat the needles without ill effect. In humans Taxine Pacific yew needles may lead to death by cardiogenic shock. For most animals, including humans, ingesting any part of a Pacific yew tree containing Taxine alkaloids will result in neurological damage resulting in convulsions, fasciculation and paralysis.

Pacific Yew Trees in Whistler Lunging Toward the Sun

Pacific Yew in Whistler

Pacific Yew Tree in Whistler

Pacific Yew Berries

The Pacific yew is the only conifer species that produces berries instead of cones. The red flesh of the berry is the only part of yew trees that does not contain significant amounts of Taxine, though the seeds contain plenty. Humans and most animals avoid eating the toxic berries however some birds manage to avoid a horrifically painful death by separating and discarding the toxic seeds and eating just the flesh of the berry.  In 1971 Paclitaxel was isolated from the bark of Pacific yew trees and used successfully to treat many types of cancer. Suddenly yew trees worldwide became valuable and it is estimated that six trees were killed to treat one cancer patient. Inevitably this slow growing tree was massively reduced in numbers and ended up being classed as endangered. In the early 1990's synthetic production of Paclitaxel was developed and the Pacific yew is no longer endangered.

Pacific Yew Trees in Whistler

Otzi the Iceman's Yew Bow

Yew wood is very strong, stiff and springy making it useful historically in weapons such as the English long bow, axes, tools, canoe paddles, and quite a lot more. Europe's oldest known natural human mummy Ötzi the Iceman died in the Otztal Alps over 5000 years ago, was carrying a bow and axe, both made of yew. The Latin word for yew tree is Taxus, which in turn was borrowed from the Scythian word Taxša which translates to both yew and bow.

Pacific Yew aka Wester Yew Trees in Whistler

How to Identify a Pacific Yew in Whistler

The brightly coloured bark on Pacific yew trees is probably the first thing you will notice. In the midst of other trees in a Whistler forest, Pacific yew trees stand out quite brightly. The purple/orange/deep red bark is very noticeable in a Whistler forest.

Pacific Yew Colourful Bark

Pacific Yew Colourful Bark

Pacific Yew Leaves/Needles

Identifying a Pacific yew by looking at the leaves/needles is pretty easy in a Whistler forest. Look for the dark green colour and the flat pattern of needles. Other trees in Whistler forests don't have such an organized flat pattern of similar length, dark green needles projecting from both sides of the twig in the same plane. The closest needle pattern you may find in another tree is on the western hemlock, however the flat pattern looks disorganized as the needles are of varying lengths. Also, the twig on the western hemlock is brown, whereas it is green on a Pacific yew. Pacific yew needles are also likened to bananas due to their slight curve and rounded shape. If you look very closely at Pacific yew needle you will notice each has a soft point at the end.

Pacific Yew Flat Needle Pattern

Pacific Yew Flat Leaves

The underside of a Pacific yew needle is concave and pale green in colour, much lighter than the dark green on the upper side. One typical feature that conifer needles tend to have is a white band along the length of the underside. Pacific yews don't have this white band and according to the excellent smartphone app Trees Pacific NW, "The absence of white bands is positive identification of Pacific yew."

Pacific Yew Needles Underside

Pacific Yew Leaves Under

Pacific Yew Pollen

Pacific Yew Pollen

Pacific Yew Berries

Pacific Yew Berrty

Pacific Yew Trees in Whistler

Pacific yew trees are fairly common in Whistler forests and once you spot one with its crimson red bark you will notice more and more. They are very hardy and don't mind fighting for sunlight near the forest floor. Emerald Forest in Whistler Cay is home to countless young and not-so-young Pacific yew trees. This expansive forest is also home to several large and interesting western redcedars, coast Douglas-firs, and quite a lot more.

Pacific Yew Forest in Whistler

Pacific Yew Tree in Whistler

More Whistler & Garibaldi Park Hiking A to Z!

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The sawmill at Parkhurst operated on the triangle of land that juts out into Green Lake and also extended north between the train tracks and the lake.  The ...
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Bivouac or Bivy: a primitive campsite or simple, flat area where camping is possible.  Traditionally used to refer to a very primitive campsite comprised of ...
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Adjacent to the huge Caterpillar tractor in Parkhurst is a large disintegrating wooden dock that is a great place to take in the wonderful view of Green ...
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When hiking to Parkhurst Ghost Town, the first area you will encounter after you cross the disintegrating bridge over Wedge Creek is the wye.  In railroad ...
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Chimney: a gap between two vertical faces of rock or ice.  Often a chimney offers the only viable route to the summit of a mountain.  An example of this is Black ...
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Accumulation Zone: the area where snow accumulations exceeds melt, located above the firn line.  Snowfall accumulates faster than melting, evaporation and ...
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Armchair Glacier is one of the many easily identifiable mountain features around Whistler.  Along with Wedge Mountain and Black Tusk, Armchair Glacier has a ...
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Amazing Hiking Trails in Whistler

The Best Whistler & Garibaldi Park Hiking Trails!

Mount Sproatt, or as it is known locally as just Sproatt, is one of the many towering mountains visible from Whistler Village. Above and beyond Alta Lake, directly across from Whistler Mountain and ...
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Callaghan Lake Park is a relatively untouched wilderness of rugged mountainous terrain. The valley walls were formed by relatively recent glaciation. Evidence of this can be seen in the considerable glacial ...
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Cheakamus River is a beautiful, crashing, turquoise coloured river that flows from Cheakamus Lake, through Whistler Interpretive Forest, then down past Brandywine Falls to Daisy Lake, then all the way to ...
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Cirque Lake is a wild and beautiful lake that hides high above and beyond Callaghan Lake in Callaghan Lake Provincial Park.  What makes Cirque Lake special among the other sensationally beautiful lakes in the ...
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Whistler & Garibaldi Park Best Hiking by Month!

December hiking in Whistler is mainly done on snowshoes, though not always. If it hasn't snowed much recently then trails such as Whistler Train Wreck and ...
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There are plenty of beautiful and free snowshoe trails in Whistler and Garibaldi Provincial Park.  From the surreal paintings of Whistler Train Wreck to ...
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February is a great month for snowshoeing in Whistler and Garibaldi Park. The days slowly get longer, but the temperatures stay consistently cold.  Expect ...
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March is usually a snowy month in Whistler, though in 2024 not a whole lot of snow has fallen. Snowshoes are already not necessary for lots of trails in and ...
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Explore BC Hiking Destinations!

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Squamish Hiking Trails

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The West Coast Trail

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