Whistler Running Easy Dog FriendlyFor half of the year in Whistler, from mid November to April, jogging and trail running becomes difficult due to snow.  During this time there are only a few areas of the Valley Trail system that are plowed consistently.  The Golf Course 5k is a beautiful 5 kilometre(3.1 mile) route around Whistler Golf Course, and a great, scenic and convenient option to run year round, and right from Whistler Village!  If you are not staying in Whistler Village, convenient and free parking can be found at the end of Lorimer Road.

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Blueberry Hill Steep, Dog Friendly Run in WhistlerThe Blueberry Hill 6 kilometre(3.7 mile) trail run is a beautiful running route that is packed with great views and a wonderfully varied terrain.  From Whistler Village you run along the edge of Whistler Golf Course on the wide, paved, two lane trail to the start of the Blueberry Trail.  The Blueberry Trail quickly ascends through a deep forest as a few small switchbacks take you high up on the edge of Blueberry Hill. This five minutes of gruelling ascent then levels off and you get the first of several nice viewpoints, high above Alta Lake

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Whistler Running Easy Dog FriendlyThe Lost Lake 6k is a nice 6 kilometre(3.7 mile) running route that takes you from Whistler Village out and around Lost LakeLost Lake, along with the Whistler Golf Course 5k trail run are two of the most convenient and scenic trail runs adjacent to Whistler Village.  Both can be started in Whistler Village and both have almost constant views and easy to follow routes.  Depending on where you are in the Village you can access the Lost Lake Park via many different directions, however the Fitzsimmons Trail between Lot 1 and Lot 2 is possibly the nicest.

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Whistler Running Easy Dog FriendlyThe Alta Lake 8k is a beautiful 8 kilometre(5 mile) trail run in Whistler with a bunch of great things going for it.  Beautiful views running along the Whistler Golf Course.  Almost constant panoramic views of Whistler Mountain, Blackcomb Mountain and Wedge Mountain.  A little old growth forest of massive Western redcedars, and more than half of the route is along the majestic shore of Alta Lake.  This trail, like the Whistler Golf Course 5k, is accessible directly from Whistler Village, or from the convenient and free parking at the end of Lorimer Rd, just a 5 minute drive from anywhere in Whistler.

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Whistler Running Easy Dog FriendlyThe Fitzsimmons 9k is a 9 kilometre(5.6 mile) running route through tranquil forests along the beautiful Fitzsimmons Creek and the scenic forest around Lost Lake.  There are plenty of nice viewpoints along the main trail as well as quite a few short trails that lead to several access points to the lake, some with great places to sit and relax in the sun and take in the view.  Lost Lake has a very popular beach at one end and in the height of summer can get busy as it is the most convenient beach from Whistler Village.  There are several swimming platforms out in the lake as well as a wonderful and huge pier along the right hand side of the lake.

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Whistler Running Easy Dog FriendlyThe Alta Green Lost 15k is a fantastic 15 kilometre(9.3 mile) trail run that takes you past three of Whistler's wonderful lakes and several gorgeous parks.  Almost entirely on the wide, paved, two lane Valley Trail, this run is constantly changing as you pass numerous stunning vantage points.  Easy to navigate and several gradual hills make this a relaxing and constantly interesting trail run.  If you are a fan of beautiful sunrises, this run is packed with spectacular ones.  If you like to jump in a lake in the middle of your run, you have many opportunities, including a naked plunge from the clothing optional pier on Lost Lake!

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Best Whistler Waterfalls

Whistler Train Wreck is a hidden little world of brightly graffiti painted, wrecked train cars along a gorgeous stretch of Cheakamus River.  One ...
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Alexander Falls is a very impressive 43 metre/141 foot waterfall just 30 to 40 minutes south of Whistler in the Callaghan Valley.  Accessible year-round, ...
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Cirque Falls crashes down from Cirque Lake to Callaghan Lake, connecting these two remarkably beautiful and very different lakes.  Where Callaghan Lake is ...
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Rainbow Falls is located just a short hike from the start of the Rainbow Trail to Rainbow Lake.  The trailhead is along Alta Lake Road on the far side of ...
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